
My favorite trip

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

St. Patrick's Day - Step with Caution

It’s almost St. Patty’s day here in the United States.  In addition, I’m sitting in St. Paul, where this is as close to the Irish as we can get, short of going to Ireland. (At least that’s what I choose to believe because I don’t really know any better or more) I really wonder what the celebration is like in Ireland. I’m not big on crowds, so I’d probably just want pictures or videos, but I think it would still be cool to see.

I think back on the St. Patrick’s Days of my youth. I’ve never been big on crowds or “young” places, even when I was young. In fact, my best friend would often roll her eyes at me when she would ask me what I was wearing when planning to go out (cause you have to coordinate with your girlfriends, I guess) and my response was always, or generally, flannel and jeans.  Like I gave a crap.

Anyhoo, there was a time or two when I allowed myself to be dragged out to downtown during this most holy of drinking days.  I even took a day off from work for the adventure on the most memorable one. My step dad drove me down to St. Paul, so I could leave my car at their place and take a cab back when I was done. I met my best friend and for the most part, it went okay.  I was dressier than usual.  A pretty, blue zip up hoodie and jeans…no flannel and no green.  (I don’t recall being pinched once. I should be either relieved or insulted).

We stopped at our favorite place. A bar we frequented every Thursday with my bestie’s family. Unbeknownst to me, they had recently expanded the place. I had maybe had a couple of drinks at that point and I had a full beer in my hands.  (Did I mention I always wear high heels?) I see the new addition of the bar and excitedly we head over to check it out. It really was my fault for not looking down when walking to the other side of the room because as I crossed into the new are, I lose my footing and I plunge to the earth.

I sit there (I landed square on my butt), drink in hand, looking bewildered. How on earth did this happen?  That’s when I see the step that has yellow caution tape on it. Useful, on the ground. I mean it’s a bar, you need better signage for drunk people, I think.

My thoughts of warning labels and embarrassment are stifled when I notice that people are cheering and clapping. I’m confused and hurt.  Are they teasing me because I fell? Not polite, if you ask me.

I stand up, with some help from my friend and I ask one of the applauders, “Why are you guys clapping?” I wonder if I looked angry at that point. He looks at me surprised, points at my hand, and says, “Cause, you didn’t spill your drink!”

I play back all the events in my mind and realize, huh, I had a glass of beer, not a bottle, and it was literally full.  Not one drop had come out of said glass and I landed square on my butt.  To this day, over 10 years later, I’m still not sure how I managed to accomplish that feat.

Now at this age, (I’m pretty sure I mentioned it in yesterday’s post and it actually hurt a little to type it out), I look at what I have planned on this green day and it really (for the most part) includes avoiding the bars at all costs. It’s not the age because I have friends my age that want to go out.  I’m just reverting to not wanting to be in big crowds and I’m old enough not to care if I say no to my friends.

And I’m not single, so I’m not looking for man meat…so why not stay home in the comfort of my own home? Safe from scores of people and steps I won’t see and stalker fire fighters…but that story I’ll save for another day this week before the holiday has passed us by.

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